A period of stillness, March 2019.
The universe gave me a gift. I drove to Groningen for a workshop. As I arrived there, the workshop was cancelled. I had booked a hotel and went there. And thank goodness: I brought my guitar!
Before I knew it, the lyrics of “Geschaafde Knieën” were on the paper. After recording it on my phone, I’ve listened to it a 100 times, and each time I cried. When I cry of my own lyrics and melodies, I feel it’s good. It resonates, it’s healing me. It is such a gift to be able to turn the processes of life into music. And so I heal myself, through music.
Grateful that I found my mission.
Music has always been a big part of my life from an early age. When I was 11 years young I got my first guitar. I never took lessons with a teacher, but found my teachers on the road.
During my trip in Australia I dared to develop myself even more as a musician. I got a beautiful guitar from a man. Shortly after that, on my way down south, my bag was stolen with my passport and credit cards inside. I couldn’t withdraw money from the bank without my passport. So I had to make music on the street for 2 weeks to earn money to fly to Sydney and apply for a new passport. During these times I had to completely crawl out of my shell. After this, I started performing a lot in pubs and bars.
During my trip I had the opportunity to experience fantastic adventures. My enthusiasm comes from the deepest of my cells. This is one of my strongest qualities, but also one of my challenges in my “puppy” phase. Traveling is great, you experience a lot of fun things and meet beautiful people. Because you experience a lot in a short time, get new impressions and often have new people around you, you also need space to process all of this. It is very important to take time for this. I found this quite difficult, because I found everything and everyone too interesting to take it easy. The Universe gave me many opportunities and many things happened that tried to slow me down, but I didn’t listen to this. For example, I bought a bus full of bed bugs, I got very big bloodinfections in the jungle and my bag was stolen with my passport and all my credit cards. In addition, on top of all this, in order to stay another year in Australia I had to do another 45 days of farmwork to get a 2nd year visa. I still had 50 days in Australia. This time was extremely stressful and I exhausted myself or real. During the last weeks in which I worked for my 2nd year visa, I made music on the street to apply for my passport in Sydney. Phew! Anyway, I made it! In the end I did not use this visa anymore, although I paid a high toll for this.
During this period I already felt deep inside that I needed time to rest. Ever since the bed bugs in Australia I had a lot of back pain. Once back in the Netherlands, I even woke up at night with tingling arms, because my back was so tight. Listening? Come on. Moreover, I had already booked my ticket to Asia. Lets roll again! I ran into a lady who had been on a yoga retreat in Thailand. I also went here for 3 days. This felt very nice. I had almost forgotten that yoga existed in all the chaos of travelling. Immediately I thought again that yoga would be very good for me. But, aren’t adventures and festivals much more fun? Again I ignored all signals from my body. When I was in Indonesia for 2 months and still had a lot of pain in my body, I was hit by a mosquito that was infected with the Dengue virus. I became very ill and ended up in the hospital. There was just one way: To go home. There was no way I could travel any further. I couldn’t even carry my backpack on my back. On the day my visa expired and I would continue to Malaysia, I made the choice to book a ticket to go home, to rest and heal.
When I came back from my trip and I recovered a bit, I started taking yoga classes at “Casa Basicflow” in Aarle-Rixtel. I was so in need of this! It gave me so much space, both physically and mentally, I remembered what yoga gives me. Sabine, the owner, had planned an open day for her studio and was looking for a musician. I said I play music and went home to get my guitar. Sabine loved my music and she asked me to play at her studio. Shortly afterwards I played for the first time in the Savasana relaxation of one of her yoga classes. I found this experience so intimate! The powerful silence, the people lying down and the music that fills up the room. Then I felt this is it: Music and Yoga!
After my first experience with yoga in 2012, I immediately fell in love. I felt myself landing in my body. I took yoga classes for 3 years. After that I started traveling and during this period yoga was not a fundamental part of my life. After the intense period I just described, I found the Yoga path again. By practicing yoga more and more, it helped me enormously during this time to come closer to my feelings and to take care of myself. It has been a crucial part of my process. In meantime it has become a way of living to me.
After dreaming a lot about it, I started a yoga teacher training at “Yogacollege Tilburg.” Jasper and Marloes from YCT have helped me tremendously during my yoga training journey. I knew it from day one. YES, I’M HOME.
During my younger years I came in contact with sound healing and singing bowls several times. It has always intrigued me.
In 2017 I bought my own singing bowls in Nepal. From here I started collecting many different instruments. After this, during my yoga training, I started connecting with the instruments and working with the chakras.
In my yoga training I had to look at very deep parts of myself. I’ve been lost and separated from myself so many times that it’s been quite a journey to find myself again.
It has also been quite a journey from my head to my heart. And you could hear and feel this in my voice. In the sound, in the energy, in my behavior.
As I started to ground deeper and deeper within myself, my voice also grounded better. By making the journey through the chakras with all its themes, I got to know myself very well. And you can also feel and hear this in my voice.
I remember more and more that music is my mission, and I am ready to fully embody this. Where I’ve gone into distraction so many times and ignored my music path, I kept coming back to it. Now I know, I can’t walk away from it anymore:
The more and more I delve into sound and resonance, the more I am amazed by this powerful medicine. We are vibration, everything is vibration and frequency. Your soul has its own frequency. And my mission is to support people to remember who they essentially are. To reconnect with their soul frequency. Music is my greatest instrument in this.
I really enjoy organizing workshops, sessions and retreats where my music is a carrying energy. In Belgium I followed a training for sound healing with Marijn de Wit of “De White Arrow”. Now I know what is my mission. Music is my medicine, and this gives me so much energy! Music is my medicine, and this gives me a lot of energy!
Marjan Muis2023-05-28Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. 💛💚💛 “Het kan niet anders dat als jij binnenkomt met een bak liefde, dat je deze bak gaat voelen. Het spoelt over je heen, doet ook pijn, gaat diep en zette zich bij mij om in een stukje zelfliefde. Dat was ik kwijt. Eindelijk voelde ik zachtheid voor mezelf. Dankjewel voor je teksten, je muziek, je warmte, je zijn”. Dankjewel voor jou, mooie vrouw💚✨💚 Daisy Kirkels2023-05-23Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Jouw stem, muziek en ''zijn'' raakt zo diep. Het opent je hart en is ontzettend helend. De stembevrijding heb ik als heel fijn, verdiepend en transformerend ervaren. Kelsey neemt je mee op reis waardoor je echt je stem gaat openen en jou unieke stem gaat gebruiken. Het voelt ontzettend krachtig om doormiddel van klank door innerlijke blokkades heen te bewegen. Ik voel me zo geopend nu, en steeds dieper en dieper mag ik dat ervaren. Het is echt een mega cadeau aan mezelf en daar ben ik je heel dankbaar voor. Veel liefs Daisy xxxx Harrie Smits2023-05-20Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Lang geleden dat ik zo dicht bij mezelf kon komen, door haar stem, klanken en alles daarom heen. Sinds lange tijd weer tranen❤️,geweldig.🙏dankjewel voor de bijzondere ervaring. Kus en knuffel van Doreth en Ilana. Jessie VanderBroeck2023-04-21Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Wat een mooie verrijkende diepgaande sessie heb ik bij Kelsey mogen ervaren! Ze heeft me een doorgang gegeven naar mijzelf, mijn stem. Iets wat ik al lange tijd verloren was. Nu hoor ik mezelf hummen en zingen, zelfs in publieke plekken. Door Kelsey heb ik mijn kracht weer gevonden in mijn stem en de heling die het voor mij geeft. Wanneer ik overweldigd raak door emoties, prikkels, gedachtes helpt mijn stem, klank geven aan mijn gevoel en zingen over belangrijke thema’s me terug te komen bij mezelf. De sessie heeft me geleerd te aarden, gronden, zakken in mijn lichaam en ik kalmeer door dit te gebruiken when life gets to overwhelming of in momenten van rust waarin ik mezelf boost. Door de sessie heb ik geleerd de veiligheid bij mezelf op te zoeken, een gouden strategie en een bevrijding van mijzelf-stem-ziel. Vanuit hier ontstaat zo enorm veel heling bij mij. DANK DANK Kelsey, zo enorm waardevol de sessie met jou! Jolanda van de Braak2023-04-13Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Magisch!!! De muziek en Kelsey's stem nemen je mee en raken je tot diep in je kern... Zowel haar eigen geschreven nummers met prachtig gevoelige teksten als bestaande mantra's maken diepe emoties los. Dankjewel lieve Kelsey, voor je muziek, je stem, je energie en je ZIJN! Ik hou van jou!!!! Nennien B.2023-04-06Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. Ik heb het geluk al enkele mantracirkels met Kelsey te hebben meegemaakt. Kelsey betovert je met haar prachtige stem en tegelijkertijd nodigt ze je uit om zelf ook vrijuit te zingen. Wat een vrijheid, verbondenheid en liefde komt er dan vrij! Echt hemels! Jolanda Kennis2023-04-06Trustindex verifieert dat de oorspronkelijke bron van de recensie Google is. GENIETEN… met Kelsey en Wout. In een veilige en warme setting mantra’s zingen, met hele mooie muziek en songs. Dankbaar voor deze heerlijke ontspannen avond… dit mag maandelijks terugkeren.💞
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