Let’s connect with the power of sound! One way to do this is by singing mantras.
A mantra is a word or phrase which in Sanskrit means “liberation from thought.” A mantra is a prayer, a prayer. You can meditate on this. It is a way to quiet your mind. And so you can also sing the mantras.
We often carry many blockages around our throat area. The throat area is connected to the heart area. So, it may be that when I ask you to sing along, you immediately feel a tightening around your throat. Or you get thoughts and judgments: “Yes, but I can’t sing!” etc. The beauty is; it’s not about how you sing. It’s primarily a way to express yourself. To let your voice be heard, to give sound to how you feel, and to let your soul speak through your voice.
– A form of meditation, your mind comes to rest
– Connection, by singing together in a group
– Opening the throat area
– Opening yourself, daring to show yourself
– Gaining confidence, expressing yourself
– Allowing energy to flow. Through the vibrations of the mantras and the vibrations of the voice, blockages in your body can be lifted.
There are various types of mantras in many different languages. Each mantra carries its own energy. Here too, you sing with your own intention.
Let’s come together and free and strengthen our voices, in harmony.
Check for the upcoming mantra circle in the calendar.
Interested in organizing a mantra circle together? Send me a message!